Dec 23, 2023Liked by Stuart Ritchie

The field of psychedelics seems almost willfully defiant of good research norms. Too many case reports and small uncontrolled group studies, including some some shocking abuse of patients. Maybe they've sampled too much of their own product!

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Great post Stuart. I'm working on a paper on academic misinformation and this is a treasure trove of information on this.

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The "great new article from Saloni Dattani on Our World In Data about pandemic death tolls" seems to be linking to a tweet about Alex Giannelis.

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Lovely stuff. I sent the last history expose to a history prof friend, and will sadly say I will not send this one and I have lost a friend. Or has he lost a friend? It depends how one views it, I suppose. He was unmoved and we no longer correspond.

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I clicked through and read the article about the paper that purported to establish a link between Jamaican and early English metallurgies, and I was infuriated. Wow. That’s some impressive anti-empiricism.

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The last link unfortunately states that Macchiarini might serve any sentence at his home, which has a pool and ocean views.

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Thank you: as ever, an interesting collection.

1. I am surprised, though, at your inclusion of Ruxandra Tesloianu as a counterweight to bad science.

She may or may not be an able biologist, I am not qualified to say. But the piece you direct us to starts with what seems an uncritical acceptance of "The road to serfdom", and continues with an unqualified assault on Biden and the notion of an office / official to stem misinformation which sounds suspiciously like some of the more extreme libertarians (she ignores that it was the attacks by libertarians, Fox News &c which prevented Biden). That she professes herself a fan of Dan Willliams does not excuse her from sounding like a conspiracy theorist herself.

2. The tweet you direct us to does not make any sense to me, though maybe that was your meaning.

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